Angela Von Hagel is the Technology Instructor at Harney Elementary in South Sioux City, Nebraska. Feast your eyes on her Shapegrams wall! Students in grades 2 through 5 contribute their digital artwork throughout the school year.
Angela shares some of her thoughts about Shapegrams:
I have a Google Classroom called “Shapegrams” that all 2nd – 5th grade students join. Students stay connected to this Google Classroom from 2nd through 5th grade. In this Google Class, I have “topics” for the following: Zippers, Beginning, Growing, Progressing, Remarkable, and Outstanding. Under each topic are the “assignments” with the lesson slides and videos.
At the beginning of the year, I introduce the Shapegrams Lessons while teaching basic drawing skills. Students get to choose one of the Beginning Lessons during that class period. I encourage students to take the example and make it their own.
Several times a year we will do a whole group lesson:
- Beginning of Year: Name Art (to hang on their lockers)
- Christmas: Gingerbread Person, Wreath and Snow Globe
- Valentine’s Day: Triangle Heart, Heart Felt Animals
- Spring/Easter: Animation (Growing Peeps)
Shapegrams is also my “go to” for sub plans. If I am ever gone unexpectedly, I do not have to run to school to create sub plans, students just know to do any of the Shapegrams assignments. It is easy for the substitute teacher because he/she would not have to teach, Tony does all the teaching. 😂
Finally, Shapegrams is a “Free Choice” option for students who complete their normal assignment early.
I love using Shapegrams in my Technology Classroom. Students are engaged during the video lesson and while they are working on their image. Oftentimes I overhear the students teaching each other how to do something cool. They are so proud of their masterpieces and enjoy watching our Shapegram Wall grow throughout the year (students take their pictures home the last week of school). This year is the fullest I have ever seen our board.