These self-portraits from students in Sharon Sinclair’s second grade class in Montana are certainly not poor. A better name would be self-SUPERBtraits. Sharon’s class is known as the 2D Nerds, and you can see their digital drawings and photos in Sharon’s Self-Portrait Reveal video.
The 2D Nerds followed the Shapegrams Portrait lesson to draw their self-SUBERBtraits. The lesson demonstrates how to draw a head and shoulders. It also shows how to customize skin and hair colors with hex codes.

When you draw with shapes, you can easily make changes. 2D Nerds practiced giving their portraits different facial expressions.
What could be next for these digital artists? I supPOSE they could turn their portraits into posable people. Yep, there is a Shapegrams lesson for drawing a posable person! The lesson shows how to draw a body in a way that makes it easy to reposition body parts into different poses.
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